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Voice of the Students

El Diablo

  • January 31Have any gentle used clothing you no longer wear? The Marketing class and DECA are hosting a clothing drive. Drop the clothes off in W1220 or at Lively Boutique until Feb 6th
  • January 31Winter Formal is on Feb 22! Tickets in Minga or at the student store Feb 10-14, 17-21, and after school on the 20th and 21st!
  • January 31DHS Upperclassmen: Are you curious about this year's prom theme? Don't miss the big reveal during today's basketball game!
  • January 31Knowledge Bowl practices today at lunch in room 2025
Voice of the Students

El Diablo

Voice of the Students

El Diablo

Paloma Romero

Paloma Romero, Staff Writer

Hi it’s Paloma! 

I never really thought that I would join El Diablo. Yet I love writing and I find a certain necessity to the application of our first amendment rights. In order to ensure a just and honorable society we must rely on the credibility of our informational resources and I’m honored to be a part of that. 

Fun fact about me! I am currently studying to get my real estate license and I love puppies! Hit me up if your mom wants to buy or sell a house! ([email protected])

All content by Paloma Romero
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Voice of the Students
Paloma Romero