The Durango High School Swim Team’s hard work paid off when they found out they were going to state. The team traveled to Thorton for the state meet at the Veterans Memorial Aquatic Center on Friday, February 14th. They competed, and not without the support and cheers of their teammates.
According to the coach and swimmers, though there is always room for improvement, the meet went pretty well, some even made it to the finals for their division. “I would definitely say that it was like a very positive experience and it was just like such a great environment to be a part of,” Linzie Badart, swim state qualifier, described in a recent interview.
One of the main reasons is the team environment. From the very beginning of the season, the students have put in the work to come together as a team, even putting together dinners almost every week to connect with one another.
They hold each other accountable, rely on each other, and have even created team norms that they can follow so that they can all reach success. This driving force keeps bringing them farther, and last week it brought them to state.
“No one’s super upset about if it’s a bad time or if it’s a bad swim, they’re just gonna be happy with whatever the outcome is, so, I think coaches and my teammates keeping it really fun was really good and a really big part,” Joellianna Rohde, another swim team state qualifier, explained in an interview.
The swim team worked hard and is finishing off the swimming season on a good note. The coach is always proud of the team and helps them reach their goals and success.
“If they go to state, awesome, if they don’t, um as long as they’re working towards their personal bests and they find success in maybe doing something they’ve never tried before,” Thomas Joyner, the swim coach said in an interview.
The state qualifiers and other swimmers love their sport and work hard in it, always having the support of one another and promoting a good environment where they can be invested and reach their success.