According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the definition of art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated mostly for their beauty or emotional power. Art can also be music, games, or even sports.
So how does this affect art teachers and students? It can be argued that art does not have a clear meaning. So how does an art teacher define it? Art teacher Krista Karpel defines art as anything a human being creates which expresses feelings. “It is a form of human expression that ends up with a result.” She also explains the reason she became an art teacher is because it was what got her through school. Mrs. Karpel also shared how she hopes to see art in the school to make it a brighter place.
This definition of art is also shared by DHS students.Vladimir Cornelio is a freshman and takes the ceramics class. He defines art as something that expresses emotions or something that is so beautiful it makes you have emotions. “I think it is a creative way to express emotions or feelings.” Cornelio also explains how he enjoys art because when he creates something, he feels proud of his creation.
So far art seems like it plays a part in everybody’s life, but how about someone who doesn’t take an art class or finds himself uninterested in art? Bryan Hernadez is a 9th grader at DHS and is a student who is not affected by art. Although he may not be affected by art very much, he does state that there is an art piece in his neighborhood that he thinks is very interesting.” There is one art piece in my neighborhood and it really looks cool.”
While the impact art makes on everyone’s life may differ, an appreciation of art seems to be shared by all.