Q: What is your role in Interact?
A: “As president, I create the agendas for the meetings. I run the meetings, and I connect, like the club together, kind of with the community service we do.”
Q: What advice and tips do you have to help people support others this season?
A: “I just say, uh, you never know, like even the things that you do that are small can make a really big difference. So, whether it be like helping someone in the hall, if they like drop their stuff, it can make a big impact on people. And even in your community, just doing some small stuff, it just really makes a greater impact than you think, and it also feels really good too. So like when you help others, you’re also like helping yourself.”
Q: How has Interact impacted you and your life?
A: “It’s really given me a lot of purpose, and I think cause I’ve done it, um mainly all four years of high school, and throughout all the projects we’ve done, I’ve been able to like, really grow as a leader and I feel like I also grow as a person. So, like, as I help my community more, I feel more grounded in it, and I feel like I can be a stronger leader inside the school and a better person in the community.”
Q: Are you proud of your role in Interact?
A: “Yeah, I’m really proud. It’s a lot of fun. I have a lot of fun with my friends and I’m really proud to be the leader and like to kind of push the things we do and then to see the effects of it is really awesome. And… it feels really good to make a difference and it feels really good to just, like, help out and so, yeah, I am proud.”
Q: Is Interact planning anything for this year?
A: “Yeah, so, we just finished a toiletry drive, that was a really big success that’s going to some woman in need in the community. Um, and then after Thanksgiving break, we are going to be doing a drive with WILD, which is woman in leadership development club. And that can drive is going to food banks, um on like food deserts and the reservations, so that’ll be really cool… We’re trying to raise some money for a service trip. We want to go on, in, Puerto Rico, which is really cool. So yeah, that’s just like our main goal this year.”